Timeframe | Equipment | Manager | Review |
1973 - 2000
| Equipment:
| Review:
Converted to aTSHD 1973 - 2000
Owned by various companies (See below)
| |
2000 - 2008
| Equipment:
| Review:
Sold and renamed
| |
2008 - 2010
| Equipment:
| Manager:
| Review:
Sold and renamed
Original built as coaster RHONE for Shipping Company Sambre. In 1973 converted to TSHD RHONE by Goudriaan (Delft)
Succesive owners 1973 - 2000:
1973 - 1981 Llaneli Plant Hire Co. Ltd,
1981 - 1982 Rombus Materials Ltd.
1982 - 1987 Bury Sands Co. Ltd.
!987 - 2000 Crossavon Ltd
2000- 2008 seen working off Fayal Island (Azores)
Scrapped 2010 in Horta (Port.)
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