If you have any questions not answered by this FAQ, you can always send us a message throug the contact form. Please choose the 'website feedback' option.
The Dredgepoint database is for everyone that is interested in dredging. We don't want to exclude anyone, so browsing the information will always be free.
However, CEDA members have the following extra benefits:
advanced search option, where you can make much more specific searches in the database
view available technical files and datasheets of equipment
If you are a CEDA member but you don’t have access yet, please contact ceda [at] dredging [dot] org
If you are not a CEDA member but you would like more information, please visit https://dredging.org/membership/become-a-member
We would like to thank our volunteers & sponsors for enabling us to keep the website up to date with all the latest information.
First of all: simply telling us things we don't know. On almost every page, there is a Feedback block on the left where you can leave your remarks.
We're also very happy with any pictures you have of dredging equipment. On every equipment page there is a link called 'send us your pictures of ..' which will get you to a place where you can upload them. If you have lots of pictures we can use, you can also send us ancontent [at] dredgepoint [dot] org (subject: Pictures%20for%20dredgepoint) ( email) and we'll get in touch.
If you'd like, you can also become a volunteer and manage part of this website. You can let us know by sending us an webmaster [at] dredgepoint [dot] org (subject: Become%20a%20volunteer) (email).