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Saint John Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. Ltd.


Irving Shipbuilding Inc.
3099 Barrington Street
Halifax NS B3K 5M7


+1-902-423 9271
+1-902-422 5253
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Last updated

13 years 49 weeks ago


In 1959, Mr. K. C. Irving purchased Irving Shipbuilding Inc., then known as the Saint John Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, a shipyard celebrated for building the largest dry dock in the world in the 1920’s. Saint John Shipbuilding was the flagship of a collection of eastern Canadian shipyards, building oil tankers, freighters, cargo vessels and passenger ferries.

Equipment built

Name Type Built Power Volume
Océan Borromée Verreault GD 1952
Rosaire CLD 1952


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