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Hew Holland Ship Yard Ltd,


Humber Bank East
New Holland
DN19 7RT
United Kingdom


+44 (0)1469 530203
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14 weeks 2 days ago


New Holland Shipyard first started out as a ship builder owned by Doig’s. In 1899 William Henry Warren purchased it at public auction and established William Henry Warren Shipbuilders. At its busiest the company employed up to 40 men building all manner of vessels. In 1923 after Henrys death his sons Fred and Ernest Warren took over management of the business as a limited company (Warrens New Holland Shipyard Ltd). In 1962 the yard was closed and sold to David Cook who built ships, but his main activity was ship breaking.

In April 2019 The New Holland Shipyard was purchased by Steve Taylor who continues to operate as a Ship Breakers and Decommissioning yard under the name New Holland Shipyard Ltd.


Equipment built

Name Type Built Power Volume
W.C.B. Dredger No. 1 GD 1930
W.C.B. Dredger No. 3 GD 1933
W.C.B. Dredger No.5 GD
Y.O.C.B. Dredger No. 1 Rake 1936


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