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Avondale Shipyards Inc. (ASI)


New Orleans
United States

Last updated

11 years 41 weeks ago


Avondale Shipyards is no part of the Northrop Grumman Corparation and is operating under the name Northrop Grumman Ship Systems.

Equipment built

Name Type Built Power Volume
Arkansas CSD 1947 2685 kW
California CSD 1962 10930 kW
Eagle 1 TSHD 1981 5558 kW 3500 m³
G.L. No. 54 CLD 1750 kW
Illinois GD 1971
Illinois CSD 1977 8400 kW
Markham TSHD 1960 2070 m³
Stuyvesant TSHD 1982 12151 kW 8460 m³
Stuyvesant TSHD 1982 12151 kW 8460 m³
Terrapin Island TSHD 1981 5558 kW 3500 m³
Wheeler TSHD 1982 7833 kW 6116 m³


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