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AESA - Astilleros Españoles SA




Last updated

14 years 17 weeks ago


Navantia (Established in 2005), formerly Bazán or IZAR, has become Spain's leading shipbuilding firm, offering its services to both military and civil projects. It is the 5th largest shipbuilding company in Europe and the ninth largest in the world (as per date April, 2010). It has shipyards all over Spain. Navantia's career starts in 1730 with the creation of the historic military arsenals of Ferrol, Cartagena and San Fernando, whose shipyards were designed to build and repair ships of the Spanish Armada. In 1908 these shipyards became part of the Society of Shipbuilding (also known as La Naval) who also belonged the civil shipyards of Matagorda or Sestao, subsequently incorporated into Astilleros Españoles S.A. (AESA). After the Spanish Civil War, the state took care of the military arsenals and in 1947 founded Empresa Nacional Bazán, who was born as a shipbuilding company that relied on foreign technology. Subsequently, Bazan began developing its own draft ships. IZAR (between 2000 and 2005) was founded in December 2000 following the merger of Astilleros Españoles S.A. (AESA) and Empresa Nacional Bazán. In 2005 IZAR was taken over by the newly created Spanish Shipbuilder Navantia. Source: Wikipedia

Equipment built

Name Type Built Power Volume
34-C Formosa BLD 1980
35-C CHACO BLD 1980
36-C CHUBUT BLD 1980
37-C Rio Negro BLD 1980
402-C Entre Rios CSD 1980
403-C Corrientes CSD 1981
Draceli Dos CSD 1973 4650 kW
Dracmica Dos BLD 1973 622 kW
Dracmica Dos bld BLD 1973 622 kW
Huta 8 CSD 1970 5525 kW
Lourdes BLD 1966 891 kW
Sato Carolina CSD 1977 3725 kW
Tierra del Fuego 150-C GD 1978
Virgen del Aguila CSD 1970 4080 kW


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