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Société Francaise Industrielle d'Extreme Orient


18, Avenue de L'Opera


Page Review

1902 - 1910
Company merged

Last updated

28 weeks 4 days ago


The company was originally called 'A. Montevenoux et Cie' and was active in French Indochine at the end of the 19th century. After being awarded an 8 year contract for dredging works in Vietnam in 1902, the company was restructured and renamed. After the contract head expired, the company was named 'SFEDTP, and was absorbed by 'L'Entreprise de Grands Travaux' and 'Régie Génerale de Chemins de Fer et de Travaux Publics'

Equipment - active

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Drague '1', '2', '3', and '4' BLD 138 kW
Loire BLD 1904 261 kW
Mytho I BLD 1905 26 kW
Mytho II BLD 1905 26 kW
Nantes BLD 1904 261 kW


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