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Société du Chemin de Fer de Riazan-Ouralsk


ST. Petersburg


Page Review

1865 - 1947
Ceased activities

Last updated

1 year 14 weeks ago


oncession granted in March 1865 to Riasan-Koslow Railway. The name was changed to Riazan-Uralsk Railway Company in 1892. This was the largest privately-owned railway, by length in 1914. The main lines were Riazan-Koslov; Koslov-Saratov; Moscow-Pavelez; Danko-Smolensk; Jelez-Bogojawlensk-Sossnobka; Tambov-Kamyschin; Atkarsk-Volsk; Saratov-Jerschov-Uralsk and Urbach-Astrakhan. Total length in December 1909 was 4,254km . In 1953 the company was dissolved as per founding regulations. Official deleted from the records in 1953

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Rjasan BLD 1895


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