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5, La Boétie


Page Review

1910 - 1970
Company sold

Last updated

48 weeks 2 days ago


The company had its origins in A. Montevenoux, a dredging company based in Saigon. After being awarded an 8-year dredging contract in Vietnam, the name was changed in 'Société Francaise Industriëlle d'Extreme Orient'. and was subsequently renamed 'Société Francaise d'Entreprises de Dragage et Travaux Publics' (S.F.E.D.T.P.) after this contract expired.

Theb company was absorbed in 1970 by 'Régie Générale de Chemin de Fer et de Travaux Publics' and 'L'Entreprise de Grands Travaux'.


Equipment - active

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Agudo GD 1949
Aidour GD 1951
Drague '1', '2' and '3' BLD 138 kW
Guethary II CSD 1966 839 kW
Irma Pauline SHD 1928 438 kW 670 m³
La Nive CSD 1964 2540 kW
Loire BLD 1904 261 kW
Maitena TSHD 1947 1000 m³
Montory CSD 1925
Mytho I BLD 1905 26 kW
Mytho II BLD 1905 26 kW
Nantes BLD 1904 261 kW
Porto Alegre BLD 1914
Rajahlaut CSD 1966 1620 kW
Sagittaire TSHD 1937 725 kW 660 m³
Saint Jean de Luz 1956 955 kW
Uhartia GD 1950


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