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Drag-Nort SL


Calle del Pargo 49
Algeciras (Cadiz)


(+34) 956 573 363
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Last updated

17 weeks 19 hours ago


Our history

In the month of May 2008, the company DRAG-NORTE, S.L. was established, dedicated to the activity of maritime works, owned by two prestigious national companies in the sector, on the one hand SALVADOR HIGUERA CORTA, S.L., and on the other another DRAYRESUB, S.L., owned by Salvador Higuera Corta, and by Anselmo Pedreguera Barategui, both with extensive professional experience.

In that same year, 2008, the company commissioned the construction of a suction dredge from the FREINAVAL, S.L. shipyard, work that continued for two years, until the "GIGANTE" dredge was launched in July 2010.

The entity DRAG-NORTE, S.L., and especially its dredge, was born with the aim of filling an existing void in the Spanish dredger fleet. Traditionally, when demand from construction companies or the administration itself saw the need to undertake major dredging, they had to hire foreign companies, because this type of dredger did not exist in the national market.Cadi

Equipment - active

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Gigante TSHD 2011 1300 m³


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