The Ferus Smit Group offers independent design, development, and construction of series of finished vessels, without being restricted to certain type of vessels. We are able to handle any order - ranging from ultra-modern barges to fully equipped supply ships, self-unloading bulk carriers, multipurpose cargo ships or tankers.
We use indoor facilities for the assembly of vessels from precision prefab sections. This prevents the weather from interfering with the construction process, and ensures fast and efficient operating procedures with permanent quality control. We operate two fully equipped yards. The Westerbroek yard has a slipway for vessels with a maximum width of 16 meters and a maximum length of 130 meters, whilst the Leer yard in Germany has a slipway for vessels with a maximum width of 26 meters and a maximum length of 170 meters.
The yard in Westerbroek is situated on the Winschoterdiep. The dimensions of the locks and bridges between the yard and the seaport of Delfzijl determine the maximum dimensions of the vessels. The head office is situated in a modern building on the Westerbroek site.
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