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Garden Reach Workshops Ltd.




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Last updated

11 years 41 weeks ago

Equipment built

Name Type Built Power Volume
Apsarika HB 1976 1000 m³
Bolghatty TSHD 1976 498 m³
Coleroon TSHD 1972 3118 kW 1350 m³
Kamal XXIX TSHD 1973 3118 kW 2000 m³
Kamal XXVII TSHD 1974 5161 kW 3500 m³
Konarka TSHD 1968 3015 kW 850 m³
Mahaganga TSHD 1978 5699 kW 4740 m³
Sahayak HB 1976 1000 m³
Varaha TSHD 1974 5161 kW 3500 m³


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