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PRCiP Sp.z o.o. (Dredging & Underwater Works Co Ltd)


Ul. Przetoczna 66
PL-80-702 Gdansk



Postal Address


Last updated

12 years 48 weeks ago




PRCIP sp. z o.o. is the biggest dredging company in Poland. Our main aim is to maintain the leading position on the national market, do projects within the Baltic Sea area as well as outside Poland, and – in the future - in other marine tanks, as well.

Equipment - active

Type Number Power Volume
Cutter suction dredgers 1 1566 kW
Backhoe dredges 2 1213 kW
Bucket ladder dredgers 1 784 kW
Grab dredgers 1 592 kW
Hopper barges 3 1326 kW 1980 m³
Suction dredges 1 1174 kW
Name Type Built Power Volume
Ela BUD 1989 1174 kW
Homar GD 1971 592 kW
Inz Tadeusz Wenda BLD 1972 784 kW
Kraken BH 2013 523 kW
Malz II BH 1978 690 kW
SM-102 AND SM-104 HB 1973 442 kW 660 m³
SM-105 - SM-106 - SM 108 - HB 1974 442 kW 660 m³
SM-110 - SM-112 HB 1976 442 kW 660 m³
Trojan CSD 1566 kW

Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Sm Prc 109 HB 1975 442 kW 660 m³
Inz. Stanislaw Legowski TSHD 1975 2974 kW 1600 m³
Kostera TSHD 1968 501 kW 290 m³
Malz II - old BLD 1978
Matwa BLD 1956 727 kW
Meduza TSHD 1954
Modlin CSD 1985 1110 kW
Raja BUD 1918
Rozgwiazda BLD 1968 662 kW
Sm Prc 104 HB 1973 442 kW 660 m³
SM-111 HB 1976 442 kW 660 m³
Stulbia BDL 1979


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