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Ports & Shipping Organization of Iran (PSO)


751 Enghelab Avenue


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Postal Address

P.O.Box 15994

Last updated

14 years 31 weeks ago



Equipment - active

Type Number Power Volume
Trailing suction hopper dredgers 5 12907 kW 9950 m³
Cutter suction dredgers 6 13466 kW
Grab dredgers 1 3264 kW 550 m³
Name Type Built Power Volume
Arras TSHD 1967 750 m³
Dezfool CLD 1984 3264 kW 550 m³
Hamed CSD 1986
Jadeh Abrisham EPDY2 2017 200 m³
Jihad-Dayer CSD 1992 1621 kW
Jihad-Konarak CSD 1992 2809 kW
Makran 1 TSHD 2021 4975 kW 4000 m³
Makran 2 TSHD 2021 4975 kW 4000 m³
Scorpion CSD 1983 4190 kW
Shahid Rashidi CSD 2004 1510 kW
Yasin TSHD 2004 2957 kW 1000 m³
Zolfaghar CSD 1991 3336 kW

Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Abtin TSHD 1979 4055 kW 3000 m³
Af-Shin TSHD 1979 7052 kW 3000 m³
Arass TSHD 1967 750 m³
Bostan TSHD 1979 7250 kW 3000 m³
Dezful BLD
Eaman TSHD 1979
Esteghal TSHD 1979 4055 kW 3000 m³
Goli TSHD 1975 650 m³
Hoveize tshd 1979
Howeyzeh TSHD 1979 7052 kW 3000 m³
Kargar CSD 1975 1155 kW
Keyhan TSHD 1975 650 m³
Keyvan TSHD 1967 2044 kW 750 m³
Khazar TSHD 1975 650 m³
Nowsoud TSHD 1980 4055 kW 3000 m³
Ommat TSHD 1980 4055 kW 3000 m³
Parsa CSD 1986
Poodar TSHD 1967 750 m³
Soumar TSHD 1979 4055 kW 3000 m³
Staats-Secretar Kokofsky SHD 1912
Takin TSHD 1979


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