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Page Review


Last updated

13 years 49 weeks ago


POMGRAD ENGINEERING Ltd. is the leading Croatian construction company specialized in marine and hydraulic works.

The Company is built on experience gained since 1947 when it started with the reconstruction of port facilities devastated during the WWII. In that first post war period, almost all ports and port facilities along the Croatian side of the Adriatic were repaired and rehabilitated by Pomgrad. Later, new ports have been built, including the ports of Split, Ploče, Bar and the shipyards of Split, Trogir and Lamljana.
Pomgrad was an early entrant in the international market. The first overseas contract dated from 1952 when the tender for the construction of the new Port of Lattakia, Syria, worth 35 million USD (in today dollars) had been awarded to Pomgrad.
In subsequent years Pomgrad has built the new ports of Assab (Eritrea), Tartous (Syria), Secondi (Ghana) Limalssol (Cyprus), Flamingo Bay (Sudan), Suakhin (Sudan) Chabahar (Iran) and has taken part in the extensoins and/or reconstructions of the ports of Bar (Montenegro), Port Sudan (Sudan).
Pomgrad has also participated in the construction and reconstructions of dams like the one in Kazaginac (Bosnia and Herzegovina ) and the Bou Hanifia dam (Algeria).
From 2008 Pomgrad Engineering Ltd. is a member of the Strabag group.

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