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Norfolk Dredging Co


10 Centerville TPKE N
Chesapeake VA VA 23320
United States


+1-434-547 2833
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Postal Address

PO Box 1706

Last updated

14 years 33 weeks ago




Norfolk Dredging Company has been engaged in hydraulic and clamshell dredging since 1899.

Our company operates in all coastal areas performing maintenance and new work dredging, with specialties in subaqueous trench and tunnel excavation, backfill and hydraulic landfill.

Our operations span the Atlantic Coast, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.

Equipment - active

Type Number Power Volume
Cutter suction dredgers 4 13672 kW
Grab dredgers 3 3367 kW
Hopper barges 4 15204 m³
Suction dredges 1
Name Type Built Power Volume
Atlantic CLD 1976 1430 kW
BR-8 HB 4500 m³
Charleston CSD 7460 kW
Essex CSD 1978 4500 kW
Hampton CS 520 kW
Jekyll Island CSD 1192 kW
No 428 CLD 745 kW
Scows 3001 & 3002 HB 2294 m³
Scows 4001 & 4002 HB 3823 m³
Scows 6001, 6002 and 6003 HB 4587 m³
Vicksburg BUD
Virginian CLD 1983 1192 kW

Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Pullen CSD 1964 7300 kW


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