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Kanmon Kowan Construction Co.,Ltd


3-54 Hosoe
Shinmachi,Shimonoseki City,Yamaguchi
750-0017 Japan



Page Review


Last updated

6 years 18 weeks ago

Equipment - active

Type Number Power Volume
Grab dredgers 4 9698 kW
Special and other equipment 9
Name Type Built Power Volume
Kaiousei 2 BUD 2002
Kanmon CLD 3730 kW
Kanryu SPEC
Kansei SPEC
Kansei no. 2 SPEC
Kansyo SPEC
Kanyo CLD
Kanyu CLD 2984 kW
Kanyu No. 2 CLD 2984 kW
Ocean no. 2 SPEC
Ocean No. 3 SPEC
Ocean No. 5 SPEC
PM-6001 SPEC

Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Ocean No. 1 SPEC
Sanyu No. 2 CLD 224 kW
Sanyu No. 5 CLD


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