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Ivan Milutinovic PIM


22a Gravila Principa Syreet
11000 Belgrado


381 11 628 455
381 627 035

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Page Review


Last updated

6 years 37 weeks ago


IVAN MILUTINOVIC-PIM, Serbian leading engineering and contracting company for waterways. The company has had a long and successful history in a broad field of marine and civil engineering in many parts of the world. The company has operated under the present name since 1952, but the activities of the company began with the first work on the Danube and Sava rivers on Yugoslav teritory in the early twenties of this century. Several small Yugoslav companies specialized in dredging, construction and salvage, which carried out various kinds of work on these rivers between the two world wars, werw merged in 1951 to form a new company named "Dunav". In 1952 the "Dunav" was given a new name IVAN MILUTINOVIC and since then the company has operated under this name as endineers and contractors in Yugoslavia and the world over.

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Reshava BLD 1957


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