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Dredging International NV


Haven 1025, Scheldedijk 30
2070 Zwijndrecht


+32-3-250 5211
+32-3-250 5650
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Last updated

14 years 32 weeks ago


Together with Baggerwerken Decloedt, Dredging International is one of the primary operating companies of DEME Group, responsible for more than two thirds of total turnover. Dredging International (DI) has a leading position on the global dredging market and has experienced rapid and sustained growth over the last decade. The core activity of DI is dredging and land reclamation.

Dredging International has its roots in the world port of Antwerp on the river Scheldt. We are proud to have contributed for more than one hundred years to deepening and maintenance programs of the river fairway, and to major reclamation projects that have created new land for a world class industry. In one century, the depth of the river fairway has more than doubled and bulk carriers of up to 274.726 dwt and a length of 335 metres are now able to sail seventy kilometers inland. After the First World War barely 425.000 m3 per year was dredged in the river Scheldt. By contrast, since the end of the Second World War, almost half a billion m3 of spoil has been removed from the Scheldt. At the same time, the port has expanded to 14.000 ha on the left and the right river banks. We are proud to have participated to this impressive achievement.

The knowledge, the experience and the skills we have acquired on our primary home market is made available for clients abroad. For more than a century, constituting companies of DI have worked in all corners of the world. At the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, our engineers were building the inland grain harbours in Argentina; in the 1920’s they were constructing quay walls on the Mekong river in Southeast Asia. In the 1970’s we built the modern ports in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.

Today, our modern and high-tech trailing suction hopper dredgers and the mighty cutter suction dredgers are deepening fairways and reclaiming new land in South America, in Singapore, in Australia, in Africa and all over Europe. DI is taking the lead in the construction of France’s Port 2000 at Le Havre, we are building ports in India, we are involved in the huge Jurong & Tuas land reclamation project in Singapore, and we are keeping the Martin Garcia channels to depth in Rio de la Plata on the border of Argentina and Uruguay

Equipment - active

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Amazone CSD 1986 9900 kW
Antwerpen IV TSHD 1967 7167 kW 5200 m³
Asia BLD 1956
Atlantique TSHD 1964 6562 kW 4800 m³
D.I. 31 BLD 1957
Dijle CSD 1984 2549 kW
Durme CSD 2460 kW
Gecico 179 kW
Gete BUD 1954 1119 kW
Katrien DD
Lamproie CSD 1966 1923 kW
Lillo CSD 731 kW
Marisma CSD 805 kW
Mark bud BUD 1346 kW
Namur BLD 1967 900 kW
Netzahualcoyotl CSD 1980 1137 kW
Otary CSD 516 kW
Pax CSD 1948 1360 kW
Resaca BLD 1960 328 kW
Rupel TSHD 1971 11936 kW 7200 m³
Rupel 2 BLD 90 kW
Ruppel CSD 1936
Santa Gilla CSD 1969 1620 kW
Selat Melaka TSHD 1977 5760 kW 4200 m³
SGD 31 TSHD 1119 kW
Sungei Sarawak TSHD 1977 5760 kW 4200 m³
Vlaanderen XV CSD 1984 2549 kW
Warche I BUD 1958 1800 kW
Yperlee SHD 1910 910 kW 790 m³
Zwalm CSD 917 kW


Name Country
Ackermans & van Haaren Belgium


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