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C.F. Bean LCC


Suite 500, 1055 Saint Charles Avenue
New Orleans LA 70151-1118
United States



Postal Address

PO Box 51118

Last updated

12 years 35 weeks ago

Equipment - active

Type Number Power Volume
Backhoe dredges 1
Grab dredgers 1
Name Type Built Power Volume
Barredor del Rio BH 2004
Bean 1 GD 1970

Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Bean 10 GD
Bean 11 GD 1958
Bean 7 GD 1969
Bean 8 GD 1979
Bonacavor BD 1993 581 kW
Bubba J (ex Bean 2 ) CLD 1979
Cocodrile (ex Bean 5 ) GD
Dave Blackburn CSD 6705 kW
Dredge 32 CSD 1932 1193 kW
Eagle 1 TSHD 1981 5558 kW 3500 m³
Proteus CSD 1639 kW
Ralph T (ex Bean 10) GD
Roby (ex Bean 3 ) GD


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