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Calcutta (Kolkata) Port Trust


15, Strand Road
Kolkata 700-001


+91-33-2220 3451
+91-33-2230 4901
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Last updated

11 years 33 weeks ago


Despite its being 126 miles away from the sea, Kolkata is, by far, the best choice for eastern gateway to this continental-country. Kolkata Port Trust remains one of the pioneering and most promising ports of India. It commands a vast hinterland that comprises almost half of the Indian states (whole of the eastern and north-eastern regions) and the two neighbouring countries - the Himalayan Kingdoms of Nepal and Bhutan. It has two dock systems - Kolkata Dock System at Kolkata with the oil wharves at Baj Baj and Haldia Dock Complex at Haldia - have a combination of facilities with a lot of attractive packages.

Equipment - active

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Ajoy bld 1961
Bhagirathi TSHD 1957 3000 m³
Bhagirathi I CSD 1968 839 kW
Bhagirathi II CSD 1968 839 kW
Bully BLD 1951
Churni TSHD 1961 3089 kW 1700 m³
Daisy TSHD 1951
Grab Dredger No. 1 GD, 1963
Grab Dredger No. 2 GD, 1966
Jagai CSD 1974 899 kW
Jalengi TSHD 1950 4000 m³
Jet Dredger II CSD 1962 441 kW
Madai CSD 1975 899 kW
Mahaganga TSHD 1978 5699 kW 4740 m³
Maitena TSHD 1947
Midnapore GD, 1966
Mohana TSHD 1964 3000 m³
Pansy TSHD 1951
Sandpiper SHD 1906
Subarna-Rekha TSHD 1966 2941 kW 1274 m³


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