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British Dredging Aggregates Ltd


Empire Wharf, Cardiff Docks
Cardiff South
CF10 4LT
United Kingdom



Last updated

13 years 46 weeks ago

Equipment - active

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Bowbelle TSHD 1964 1541 kW 961 m³
Bowcross TSHD 1967 856 kW 766 m³
Bowfleet TSHD 1965 961 m³
Bowherald TSHD 1974 3493 kW 2070 m³
Bowknight TSHD 1974 3430 kW 2079 m³
Bowpride TSHD 1960
Bowsprite TSHD 1967
Bowtrader TSHD 1969 2000 kW 1171 m³
Ely GHD/ 1961
Haile Sand GD 1963
Hebble Sand TSHD 1963
Instow TSHD 1964 597 kW 435 m³
Lenne Regis GD 1963
Moderator TSHD 1965
Peterston TSHD 1961
Swansea Bay TSHD 1966 2800 m³


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